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The end of the year is upon us. It’s the time when we tend to look back and reflect on what we’ve seen and done

One of the steps KNOT navigators recommended in our transition was for Robert and me to switch offices. Their reasoning was that this would be a good visible sign that a transition was taking place and a helpful way to prepare the congregation emotionally.

I am humbled that you have called me as your next senior pastor. As I consider this new role, I am grateful for the time I have gotten to serve alongside Pastor Robert Howard. He has taught me a great deal, not only about the inner workings of this particular congregation, but about pastoral ministry, and life in general.

On Sunday July 9th we held a town hall meeting with 2 main objectives. 1. Rev. Dori Little presented his report from the listening interviews he conducted with 45 people in Centre Church 2. Rev. Ellen Gardener presented the vision process Centre Church has begun. Since some of you were traveling, this post will offer brief a recap of the event. I would also encourage you to reach out to anyone who attended the event to hear their perspective, or CLICK HERE to ask any the Elders and Pastors any questions.

This weekend is an exciting step in the transition process. Rev. Ellen Gardner is coming into town for the first of several guided meetings that will help us discover who we are as a church and what we believe God is calling us to do.

An update on congregational interviews and our upcoming town hall meeting

As Robert has recently announced his retirement and we have begun the pastoral search process, several people have asked me for clarity regarding my own plans. I thought this month’s post might be a great place for me to express my hopes and shed some light on the transition process.

The EPC Book of Order spells out the neccessary steps for a pastoral transition to take place.