The end of the year is upon us. It’s the time when we tend to look back and reflect on what we’ve seen and done. Websites publish their best of lists, and we try to take stock of another year gone by. Then of course come the resolutions, the plans, the goals for the year ahead. We consider how many pounds we want to shed, what new workout plan we will attempt this time, and what goals think we can accomplish. It’s not a bad idea to reflect and plan, but before we do, I’d like to invite you to try something different this year: Be Still.

We have tendency to move through life without pausing to consider where God has been at work. We also have a tendency to make plans for our future and then expect God to simply rubber stamp our work. Our first instinct when we get that new planner for 2024 is to start filling up our agendas, adding meetings, vacations, and events. But what if this year we took the final days of the year to intentionally reflect and seek God? What if this year we took a deep breath and asked the Lord for his perspective on our lives?

My favorite New Year verse is Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” It’s a prayer that we would see the brevity of our lives and live our days for God’s glory. Psalm 90 ends with the words “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” It is a prayer that we would live each day in light of eternity, but it is also a prayer that God would be present and working in our lives today. That he would show favor in our work and our daily pursuits.

So here’s a little exercise for the new year. Set aside time to assess and to prepare for 2024: What has God done in your life this year? Take a few moments this week to look back. January to December what has happened? Where were your peaks and valleys in 2023? Write them down and remember. As you consider these moments, how have you seen God working in them? Where do you see his fingerprints in your life? Where might you have missed him that you can see now looking back? Perhaps this was an especially difficult year, maybe you lost someone you love, maybe it was a year with financial strain or health troubles. How did the lord provide for you? Maybe it was a year with joys, spiritual growth, a new birth, a breakthrough, a promotion, or a new friendship. Take a moment to reflect on those things and lift them up to the Lord: give thanks, lament, rejoice, or mourn. Sit in the presence of God, invite his spirit to speak.

Next, consider the year ahead. Think through the months from January to December. Ask the Lord to guide you as you as you prepare for a new year. “Teach ME to number my days.” What ways would you like to grow spiritually this year? What are the things you truly value? What are your hopes and dreams? When you imagine looking back on 2024 a few months from now, what would you like to have seen God do in your life?

As you sit with the Lord in prayer, what is he showing you? What comes to mind? Write it down. Pray through it. What assurances from scripture come to mind? Sit in his presence and let the good shepherd lead you into the coming year.

The year ahead is a big one for Centre Church. We will go through our first Lead Pastor change in nearly 30 years. What might God accomplish through us, his people this year? I intend to take the first few weeks of the new year to seek his guidance, and I hope you will join me. This week I read Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” I look forward to our future together as we seek him!