
Greetings brother and sisters in Christ from the Centre Church search committee: Joe Mitchell, Jay Luckwaldt, John Johnston, Rick Wagner, Roger Hamilton, and Karen Crowell. It is our pleasure to serve you in this step as we follow the process outlined in the EPC Book of Order and the guidance of the Presbytery. The committee has been meeting and will continue to meet weekly for July to accomplish all the necessary steps to prepare for another congregational meeting where we will call our new pastor. Three years ago, the session foresaw the need to prepare for Robert’s retirement and the need for reaching a post – Christian culture in our community. As a result, the session hired Logan Keck to guide our congregation into this new adventure in the life of Centre Church. Logan is the only candidate that the search committee is interviewing for the pastor position. We have been working with Presbytery on questions for the interview process, on a clear job description, and on the order of approval before the congregational meeting. Here are the steps outlined by presbytery for the search committee: 

  1. Search Committee Meets/Training and Makes a Nomination
  2. Ministerial Committee of Presbytery Confirms Nomination
  3. Church Votes on Nominee at Congregational Meeting
  4. Presbytery Confirms Vote during September Meeting
  5. Installation service held in 2024

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us; we will do our best to address your questions as we move forward in this process. May I ask you to pray for the search committee during this time to know clearly God’s preferred plan for Centre? Your prayers are vital for His Kingdom to come here on earth and at Centre. Thank you. 

Living all Life for the Glory of God, 

Karen Crowell, elder