February 28, 2021

The Fifth Commandment

Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Series: The Law of God Scripture: Exodus 20:1–12

Exodus 20:1-12 | The fifth commandment: Honor your father and your mother. 'Father and mother' refer not just to our parents, but to everyone who is older or more talented than we are and specifically to those whom God has ordained to be over us in positions of authority whether in our family, the church, or civil government. 

other sermons in this series

Apr 11


God Will Keep You From Sinning

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Scripture: Exodus 20:1–26 Series: The Law of God

Apr 4


The Tenth Commandment

Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Scripture: Exodus 20:1–19 Series: The Law of God

Mar 28


The Ninth Commandment

Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Scripture: Exodus 20:1–14 Series: The Law of God