The Sting of Betrayal
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Series: John: That You May Believe Topic: Sunday Morning Scripture: John 13:18–38
There is no deeper wound than betrayal. Its sting is sharp because of its unreasonable lack of faith and love. Judas saw and heard all that Jesus has done and still does not believe in him. Peter does believe but his love for Jesus would face a severe test of faith.
other sermons in this series
May 14
Epilogue of John's Gospel
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Scripture: John 21:23–24 Series: John: That You May Believe
May 7
What About Him?
Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Scripture: John 21:18–23 Series: John: That You May Believe
Apr 30
Restored, Forgiven and Encouraged
Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Scripture: John 21:15–19 Series: John: That You May Believe