The Third Commandment
Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Series: The Law of God Scripture: Exodus 20:1–7
Exodus 20:1-7 | The third commandment requires the holy and reverent use in our thoughts, meditations, words, and writings, of God’s name and anything else by which God makes himself known. This means our affirmations of our faith and our conduct or behavior must match our affirmations to the glory of God and the good of ourselves and the others. Our behavior can never complement the holiness of God’s character without Christ Jesus living in and through us what is pleasing to God.
other sermons in this series
Apr 11
God Will Keep You From Sinning
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Scripture: Exodus 20:1–26 Series: The Law of God
Apr 4
The Tenth Commandment
Pastor: Rev. Logan Keck Scripture: Exodus 20:1–19 Series: The Law of God
Mar 28
The Ninth Commandment
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Robert Howard Scripture: Exodus 20:1–14 Series: The Law of God